
Resource Interconnection

Our interconnection services help renewable generation, transmission, and load developers navigate the complex and region-specific grid interconnection processes at transmission and distribution levels. We offer advisory and consulting services through the various stages of the grid interconnection process, from helping to determine the most suitable interconnection point to preparing and submitting required interconnection applications. This includes the development and review of reliability and interconnection studies as well as the negotiation of project interconnection agreements.

Interconnection Services

  • Conduct pre-application assessments, such as automated capacity injection,
    short-circuit-ratio evaluation and deliverability studies for potential POIs.
  • Conduct feasibility studies, system impact studies, and material modification
    assessment (MMA). Prepare technical data for these studies. Review study results. 
  • Interpret and critique transmission/distribution service provider studies and
    costs. Offer more suitable interconnection solutions when applicable.
  • Review and negotiate Interconnection Agreements.
  • Provide technical support during project implementation.
  • Provide expert witness testimony.

Technical Analysis & Consulting

  • Perform interim and final deliverability studies.
  • Review and analyze deliverability assessments by transmission service provider.
  • Perform affected system studies.
  • Assess interconnection risks for resource acquisitions.
  •  Study commercial viability from congestion/curtailment viewpoints.
  • Transmission planning including Production Cost Modeling.
  • Offer technical advice for Power Purchase Agreement negotiations.
  • Perform transmission planning and interconnection studies using PSLF, PSSE, TARA,
    ASPEN, CAPE, PSCAD, and more.
  • WECC Path Rating, FERC BES Line Rating, and NERC TPL Standards Compliance.